Den Berg

Stef Wolput on the WIjngaardberg

Only 2 months and I leave for Elbrus. In the last 2 weeks my training effort is paying off. I feel my physical condition improving day by day. It has to I will need it. I mostly ran together with my French collegue Bruno who is recovering from a muscle rupture. The weather is not ideal, a bit too hot,  but we can't have it all. Today I did a training walk with my full backpack on what we call mountains, merely small hills but they dominate our landscape so much that we call them mountains. For those who pass in Wezemaal, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium. Take some time to do the Wijngaardberg wandeling (The Grapevinewalk). Enjoy a great walk up and down the flanks of our Berg (Mountain) amongst fruit trees,grapevines, beachtrees and wide views on the great Hageland (Hedgecountry).  I love this walk and a great way to train. Winter, spring, summer or autumn any season is good to spend some time here.

If you like to know more click on this link wijngaardbergwandeling.

Grape Vines on the Wijngaardberg in Wezemaal